Featured Carillon Projects

Trinity United Church of Christ, Newtown (Holland), PA
The Schneider Memorial Carillon

This carillon originated as a 25-bell instrument cast by Meneely & Company, Watervliet, New York in 1929 for Trinity Reformed Church at its original church location in Philadelphia. This was a notable instrument at the time of its installation, as the first true carillon by an American foundry, of which the bells were made all at one time. Later on, a third octave, all treble bells, were added, bringing the number of bells to 37, these bells being made by the Petit & Fritsen foundry in Holland. In 1969, the church built a new sanctuary between Newtown and Holland, Pennsylvania, and moved both its carillon and pipe organ to the new location. In 1976, a fourth octave of bells was added as a Bicentennial project. For this 49-bell Meneely-Petit & Fritsen carillon, we built a complete new ball-bearing playing action, together with a new North American Standard playing keyboard; installation was completed in Fall, 2000. (www.trinityholland.org)

Tower at Trinity United Church of Christ; photo taken during installation of new action and keyboard